Thank you for the Lockdown Quizzes

Quiz Poster

One of the highlights of lockdown in Appleton over the last 15 plus months has been the Appleton Quizzes set and hosted by Nick Withers, who hosted the quizzes with his marvellous dry wit and repartee, asking original questions on a fantastic variety of topics. Nick was very ably assisted by Paul Golding and Nick Hales who made it all happen.

As well as participants in Appleton, friends and family from around the globe took the opportunity to get up in the middle of the night so that they could join in. We had quizzers joining from as far afield as Australia, Canada and Africa.

Over the lockdown period, there were a total of 9 quizzes which raised the magnificent total of £5,776 for a whole range of good causes as shown

£955 for National Emergencies Trust
£1,351 for Friends of Appleton School
£965 for Jubilee Park Table Tennis Fund
£1,000 for Oxfordshire Homeless Movement
£520 for Oxford Food Hub
£985 for the Jubilee Park Toddler Fund (£1,950 for Jubilee Park in Total)

The quizzes averaged 19 teams and 72 households. The peak was on the 23rd January 2021 when we stress tested the village’s network infrastructure with 94 households in 24 teams connected via high quality video link.  Most households had 2 or more people giving around 200 people in the village’s biggest ever conference call. 

THANK YOU to Nick Withers, Paul Golding, Nick Hales, and to everyone who took part!